Jaqueline McLeod Rogers (Ph. D.) is Professor and Chair of the Department of Rhetoric, Writing, and Communication at the the University of Winnipeg, where she teaches writing, editing and communications. She recently published a seven-chapter book about McLuhan and the city, McLuhan’s Techno-sensorium City (Lexington, November 2020). Other recent McLuhan-related publications (co-edited) include Finding McLuhan: the Mind, the Man, the Message (2015) and “McLuhan and the Arts” (a special issue of the journal Imaginations, 2018). She is completing a ms. for Peter Lang (for submission summer 2023), McLuhan Mid-Century, with Tyrwhitt and Kepes: Crises Then and Now, that explores cold war and 60's responses to crises that are similar to those we encounter today: environmental and technological degradations, in particular, that challenge individual and cultural life. (Chapters here contributed by Charissa Terra Nova and Ellen Shoshkes).
She has published a co-authored paper examining linkages between communication theory and policy and law governing e-consumerism, copyright and cultural production. She also co-edited a volume on technology and family practises, Mothering/ Internet /Kids (for Demeter Press) and co-convenes a blogsite, Family Bloglines: Ta[l]king Care |